Tsuki no me






This is my personal portfolio

My name is Ilias Diamantakos and i am a computer scientist completing the final year of a master’s degree with strong technical and interpersonal skills for working in a team and successfully completing a project. I am passionate about developing systems and have strong security interests. I am also a gamer, anime fan, night owl and my one of biggest traits would be altruism.

This is my github account:

eldiaman's github

I also like photography from time to time. Feel free to check my tumblr out:

eldiaman's tumblr

Some personal recommendations:
  1. Good Reads (Serious Games)
  2. Must watch serious series
    • Utopia: Very interesting post-apocalyptic series. Good to reflect upon our Utopia writings
    • Black Mirror: Technology is good for people. Is it though?
  3. Online (serious?) gaming potential: